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Teeth are spectacular gift from nature. They function in mechanically breaking down items of food by cutting and crushing them in preparation for swallowing and digestion. This infographic will equip you with basic information about tooth anatomy, six life stages of a tooth and appropriate oral care during each stage.

Root canal treatment treatment treats the inside of the tooth. It is necessary when the pulp becomes inflamed or infected. The inflammation or infection can have a variety of causes: deep decay, repeated dental procedures on the tooth, faulty crowns, or a crack or chip in the tooth. In addition, trauma to a tooth may cause pulp damage even if the tooth has no visible chips or cracks. If pulp inflammation

Over 65% of population will have their wisdom teeth start to erupt by the age of 17-25 years old. Beside the fact that 5% of impacted wisdom tooth damage roots of other teeth, it could also give chance for cyst or tumor to develop and damage nerves or bone, and the bacteria from infection could lead to systemic problems with the heart and kidneys.   Further statistics, brief guide on how to maintain good oral hygiene, removal process

Dental implants are one of the most reliable long-term methods of tooth replacement. Since they became widely available in the 1980s, numerous scientific studies have demonstrated 10-year success rates of over 95%. Of course, that begs the question of what happens in the small percentage of problematic cases that don’t go so well. That’s actually not a difficult question to answer precisely because implants have been studied so extensively. But

The success and longevity of All on 4 dental implants is constantly questioned as it “seems” to be a newly developed technique. However, this is a common myth. Indeed, All on 4 concept was developed, institutionalized and systematically analyzed in the 1990s through studies funded by Nobel Biocare in collaboration with a Portuguese dentist Paulo Maló. His longitudinal study published on The Journal of the American Dental Association on March 2011, which included 245 patients

The average cost of a dental implant in United States is $3,700, in Australia and New Zealand is US $3,500. On average American, Australian and New Zealander can expect to save up to 60% on their dental implants by visiting a dentist in Vietnam. The best? Serenity International Dental Clinic offer lifetime warranty on Nobel BioCare dental implant. i.e. you could get FREE replacement for any unfavorable condition related to our dental implant works.

In US, just getting a dentist to look in your mouth for a few minutes will likely cost you over $100. In Vietnam, that will get you two hours of a dental specialist’s time. Your own dentist will probably warn you of the dangers of venturing abroad for medical services, but are those criticisms valid? MYTH 1 – WESTERN DENTISTS ARE ALWAYS BETTER You can find lousy dentists in developed countries and

Vietnam is becoming one of the most popular and affordable travel destination in Southeast Asia – for good reason. Unique blend of ancient Chinese and French culture influences, friendly local, accessible, and world class dental care can be found. Everyone knows that Vietnam is an highly affordable travel destination, and the dental care is no exception. You can pay Vietnam prices for the same quality of care as you would receive at home; typically at

If you have been put-off from having dental crown done at home because the prices are just too high, then we can help you to have the same quality of work at up to 87% cheaper than in United States, Australia and New Zealand. We have dentists located in one of the most peaceful cities in the world, and with price is so low that you will be surprised just how