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Thumb sucking is something every parent is acutely aware of – almost all children suck their thumbs at one time or another. In fact, it’s a completely natural phenomena that seems to be somewhat hardwired into an infant’s brain (babies have even been observed sucking thumbs in the womb.)  But why sucking? Well, early in their lives, babies need to suck to feed, whether from a nipple or from a bottle.

What is an open bite? When most people say “open bite,” they’re referring to an anterior open bite. People who have an anterior open bite have front upper and lower teeth that slant outward so they don’t touch when the mouth is shut. If you have a posterior open bite, your back teeth don’t touch when your mouth is closed.   An open bite is a type of malocclusion, which means the teeth aren’t aligned properly

Hypersensitivity of teeth is a phenomenon wherein, the patient feels moderate to severe pain when the teeth are exposed to temperature changes like hot and cold stimuli or with sweet and sour foods. Hypersensitivity may be sometimes so severe that even patient may feel pain even while breathing through mouth. Factually, a healthy tooth when exposed to such stimuli also experiences pain. But such a response may result only after

Teeth are remarkably strong, but they can chip, crack (fracture) or break. This can happen in several ways: Biting down on something hard Being hit in the face or mouth Falling Having cavities that weaken the tooth Having large, old amalgam fillings that don’t support the remaining enamel of the tooth When a tooth chips or breaks, it may not hurt. However, your tongue usually feels the sharp area quite quickly.

Afin d’introduire un sujet de découverte du monde : les dents, la docteure Tuyêt-Lan Charbit du cabinet dentaire Serenity a présenté son métier à chaque classe de CP. Elle a insisté sur la nécessité d’une hygiène dentaire parfaite. Tout d’abord, les enfants ont découvert l’équipement vestimentaire du dentiste avec le rôle sanitaire de chaque élément. Ils ont ensuite pu manipuler les outils de dentisterie.Les différentes parties de la dentition leur ont

Dental technology has brought us to an exciting time with regards to dental braces. There are many types of braces from metal braces to ceramic braces, from tooth-colored braces to clear braces. It’s no longer a stage that is feared by teens everywhere. Many teens almost look forward to getting braces because it signifies a right-of-passage and shows that they’re not a kid anymore. Review the various types of braces below and fill out

There are plenty of factors that can cause temporary or permanent tooth discolorations. First, there is the extrinsic discoloration, which means that your teeth get discolored because of external factors.  For example, if you consume caffeinated beverages, red wine, cola or you are smoking-these can all cause temporary discoloration and staining of your teeth. Patients who consume such beverages are advised to rinse their mouth with pure water every time after the

Teeth basically have two main parts; the crown is the part you see in the mouth, and the root is the part that is encased in bone and keeps the tooth in place. A dental implant is actually a root replacement, and unlike the root of a tooth, it is actually fused to the bone of the jaw. A crown is attached to the implant and in effect it becomes a stand-alone tooth, functioning

Local anesthetics come in two varieties: topical and injectable. Topical anesthetics are used to numb just the top surface of the gum or oral lining surfaces of the mouth, and are usually applied with a Q-tip®, cotton swab, adhesive patch or even a spray. Topical anesthetics are frequently used for surface comfort during superficial teeth cleaning. A more common reason for their use is to prevent the minor prick of

Dental implants traditionally have a very high success rate. The majority of studies that have been done indicate long-term success rates well over 95%. However, there are many factors that can compromise the success rates of implants. These can be divided into three categories: general health concerns, local factors and maintenance issues. It is important to consult with your dentist or dental professional prior to having dental implants placed to