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Through a combination of modern dental science and artistry a dental makeover can help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted. At Serenity International Dental Clinic we aim to provide individualized smile enhancement solutions that are long lasting, in terms of aesthetics, comfort and function.  A makeover usually implies a ‘quick fix’ to a cosmetic problem, and whilst a smile makeover can often be achieved in a reasonably short period of

The goal of any periodontal treatment (“peri” – around; “odont” – tooth) is to keep the supporting structures of the teeth – gum, bone and the periodontal ligaments that join these tissues to the tooth roots – healthy. Bone loss around a tooth will jeopardize its very survival. Local antimicrobial or antibiotic therapy is a non-surgical treatment approach generally aimed at preventing further periodontal breakdown in difficult-to-treat areas or areas

Dental implants replace the root parts of the teeth. Artificial crowns, bridgework or removable dentures— tooth replacements that make up the visible (crown) part/s of teeth — are attached to the implants. In between the implant and the crown of a tooth there is often a connector known as an abutment. The success of the whole system is based on the implant’s attachment to bone. Titanium, the metal of which implants are made, is uniquely

There is no question that over the last two decades dental implants have revolutionized tooth replacement and the practice of dentistry. The concept of dental implants is not new, the earliest recorded attempts of their use were discovered in the Mayan civilization dating back to 600 A.D. Today’s highly successful dental implants consist of root replacement for a natural tooth, to which a crown is attached, just like the teeth

One of the most common mishaps that can occur during root canal therapy is when the root canal instrument (commonly known as a file) fractures (or “separates”) inside the root canal.  This is an inherent risk, particularly in patients whose root canals are severely curved and calcified and/or hard to access. The probability of an occurrence is linked directly to the difficulty of each case. The broken file in itself will not cause any problems.

The fact is not all abutments and crowns are created equal. Typically, following the placement of a dental implant, patients must return to their restorative dentist to have the final abutment and crown made. The type and shape of the abutment and crown is critical in achieving longevity and success with the aesthetic and functional results you expect. But far too often, poor abutment and crown designs lead to compromised results

If you can see a crack in your tooth, it is important to visit your dentist as soon as possible.  A tooth crack is a visible line either from the gum line to the tip or at the cusp – the pointed biting part of your tooth. While your tooth might not be into 2 parts, the tissue inside the tooth is probably damaged. If you don’t have the problem fixed, the

A SIP OF COFFEE, A SPOONFUL OF ICE CREAM… you never thought that these simple pleasures could cause you so much pain!   But when you have sensitive teeth, your favorite foods and beverages can turn against you. Even sour foods and cold weather can drive you crazy! Sensitive teeth are a common problem. Here are four great tips for easing the discomfort:   Of course, not brushing your teeth frequently is bad. However, sometimes the problem is

There have been countless times that new patients were shocked when we asked them to extend their arms so we could take their blood pressure. Surprised looks were then followed with questions such as “Why is this necessary?” or “I’ve been going to the dentist every six months since I was a child and have never had my blood pressure taken in a dental office.”  Although we are well aware that

Millions of adults have lost one or more of their teeth due to oral diseases or injury. Missing teeth can make chewing difficult, cause problems speaking, and impact a person’s sense of self-esteem. That’s why seeing a dentist about tooth replacements, which may include dental implants, bridges, or dentures, can be an important part of maintaining your dental health. DENTURES For people who have lost all or most of their teeth, dentures, or false