Zoom! laser teeth whitening

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Tooth discolorations can be caused by diet and lifestyle choices, ages or exposure to certain medications. Most stains are caused by consumption of staining food, drinks and tobacco products and are located in the upper, enamel layer of the tooth. However, some stains are located deeper inside of the tooth in the dentin layer and can be caused by hereditary of medicine-related discolorations.

Teeth whitening action is accomplished by release of hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide that becomes hydrogen peroxide. The whitening agents are available in various concentrations ranging from 10% carbamide peroxide (equal to 3.4% hydrogen peroxide) to 38% hydrogen peroxide.

The whitening process allows the oxidizing agent to enter the enamel and dentin to produce a chemical action with discolored particles within the tooth structure. The result makes the molecules reflect less light so the tooth appears lighter.

Many patients worry teeth whitening will harm their teeth or soft tissues or produce a systemic problem. At Serenity International Dental Clinic, we are using the latest model of Zoom! Whitening system, which has the most advanced light filtration system of any power whitening system to ensure patient safety and comfort. Moreover, it operates at a lower temperature than other similar products, therefore, lowering the risk of developing tooth sensitivity after treatment.

With a powerful 150-Watt halogen bulb emits a high-intensity blue light (480-520 nanometers wavelength), it can effectively whiten teeth that have been stained by smoking or by consuming staining substances such as coffee, tea, or red wine, or even those discolored by certain medicines, such as tetracycline, or speckled by fluoride

Before beginning any whitening treatment, you will be consulted by our dentist and develop a suitable whitening plan to treat your individual whitening case effectively. Treatment times are tailored to produce the best whitening results, however most treatments are around 45 minutes from start to finish.



Chairside whitening removes organic stains or discolorations primarily caused by:

  • Aging. Over time, the teeth darken with a yellow, brown, green or grey cast (which may be due to heredity and/or eating habits). Yellowed teeth tend to whiten most readily.
  • Consumption of certain foods (notably coffee, red wine, sodas and dark-colored vegetables and fruits).
  • Tobacco use.


  • Teeth with certain stains – typically those that are inorganic – do not respond well to in-office whitening. In fact, these teeth may look even darker after the surrounding teeth have been whitened.
  • Trauma, which causes the dentin to darken.
  • Tetracycline antibiotics ingested during tooth-formation. These drugs chemically bind with the crystalline structure of both the tooth’s enamel and underlying dentin.
  • Overexposure to fluoride, which can cause fluorosis, resulting in tooth discoloration.



This procedure is not suitable for those with the following conditions:

  • Tooth and gum hypersensitivity. To avoid a hypersensitive reaction, your dentist is likely to recommend take-home bleaching trays with a low concentration of carbamide peroxide – which is not as potent as hydrogen peroxide.
  • Deep and intractable staining. Some stains are resistant to high-concentration in-office bleaches. In such cases, dentists may recommend a supervised regimen of intensive take-home bleaching or alternatives to peroxide bleaching such as bonding, crowns or porcelain veneers.
  • Teeth that have become transparent with age. This is particularly true of the front teeth, which are thin to begin with.